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If The Boat’s Not Afloat, Get Outta the Moat

June 7, 2012

There are some things I’ve just never been good at:

1. Knowing the right lyrics to popular songs. (You mean, Adam Levine doesn’t think it’s “hotter to breathe?” What? My world is now upside down.)

2. Refusing ice cream. (I’m sorry, “no thank” you has currently escaped my list of usable phrases.)

3.  Read below …

This weekend I jumped at the opportunity to be an actor for Gary Ploski and team Flipmeover’s film in New York City’s 48 hour Film Project.  I have no film experience, but I was confident about the challenge and really wanted to be a part of the project, especially considering that Gary works with the best, his projects are quality, and with over 1,600 followers on Twitter, this winner of last years’ New Haven 48 hour film project has quite the reach.

Little did I know, this experience would become an addendum to my current list of things I’m bad at.

#3 …. FILM!

Acting for Film 101 (Commentary courtesy of the Newbie)

1. Use the same energy and intention as you would on stage, but “condensed.”
Come again?

2. Always be thinking something so your eyes are engaged and active.
Ok … What the hell is my line?  I can’t act to the umbrella lighting – why do they want me to act to the umbrella lighting? Do my arms look fat?  Why are there six people in my personal bubble?  I’m sweating.

3. Keep movement to a minimum especially during close-ups.
This is my impression of a corpse.

And to add insult to injury:

  • I didn’t know the lingo
  • I didn’t know film set etiquette
  • I forgot I was miked and the sound guy told me he could hear me talking to myself while off set. #oops #embarrassmentparade

Bottom line – I am a stage actress.  When it comes to theatre, I know I’m going all the way and I can contend with the best.  Fifty auditors can all pass me up and it won’t discourage me.  But film.  Oh man.  I sucked so bad it’s funny!

A lot of people would be telling me not to publish this post right now for the sake of my career.  “You’re discouraging film makers from ever casting you again!”  Good!  Jesus Christ, I care about the quality of work we put out there.  For the love of God, don’t cast me. Until this chick gets a few film classes under her belt, avoid her like a prostitute with herpes!

If you’re in the same boat (and the bow has crashed into an iceberg, 1,517 people are about to die, and Jack has “let go”) …. Get help.  Check ’em out:

Photo: I just wrapped my first film as a director! Here I am with my two actors, Katelyn and Raffaella. :-)
Snapshot after wrapping the shoot.
From left to right: The Newbie Actor, Gary Ploski (director), Rafaella (actress)

Onwards and Upwards (STILL!),

5 Comments leave one →
  1. June 7, 2012 9:48 am

    Well, if this was your very first time on camera, I have to say that it’s not very surprising that you felt like a fish out of water! Think of how many years you’ve spent getting comfortable onstage…if you gave film even half of that time, I bet you’d feel like a rockstar doing that, too! It’s really just about getting in some practice, and I have no doubt that you wouldn’t feel so wonky about working on camera. Either way, mad props to you for stepping outside of your comfort zone!

    • June 8, 2012 12:17 pm

      It’s true! And now I’m inspired to take a few film classes. After seeing the film (after writing this post), I became especially excited because I realized I wasn’t as horrendous as I made myself out to be in my head. After all, we are our own worst critics which is so double edged sword-like. Its a good thing when it keeps us sharp and on our toes but I suppose we also need to keep it in check so we aren’t discouraging ourselves.

  2. June 7, 2012 11:28 am

    The guy referenced in the blog saying hello! I ❤ The Newbie Actor. Though, I have a different assessment of her experience on-set that might help provide a bit more context.

    But… I'm not going to post it here because it turned into its own blog.

    Suffice to say, while she felt what she felt that isn't necessarily what I and other people felt. How can this help you and what do I mean? I'll post my blog later in the day.

    Oh, one other thing… She was stellar. And I'm not saying that because I know her though this was the first time we worked together. Professional and courteous. The EXACT person I want on my set. Jargon can be learned.

    Unrelated to what I'll write… I'll bet we all want to know what the audio guy heard you talking about. =p

  3. July 23, 2012 12:24 pm

    Reblogged this on Katelyn Collins and commented:
    Click above for the full post, brought to you by under my pen name, The Newbie Actor.

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